
"Patients treated with psychodynamic psychotherapy were better off with regard to their problems than 92% of patients before therapy (Archives of General Psychiatry 61, 1208-1216 paper 2004 by Leichsenring, F., Rabung, S., Leibing, E.)."

There is considerable research and an increasing accumulation of high-quality empirical evidence supporting psychodynamic concepts and treatments and that patients who receive this therapy not only maintain therapeutic gains but continue to improve over time (Shedler, J ‘The Efficacy of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy’ article in American Psychologist 2009.

Recommended texts
Psychotherapy has a strong and expanding evidence base. The British Psychoanalytic Council.
Hidden Spring- A Journey to the Source of Consciousness, Mark Solms, Profile Books UK.

Evidence indicates: ‘the benefits of treatment are lasting and not transitory and appear to extend well beyond symptom remission. Psychological health is not merely the absence of symptoms; it is the positive presence of inner capacities and resources that allow people to live life with a greater sense of freedom and possibility’ (Shedler: p.18 ibid.)

By working on and containing emotional experiences through the analysis you learn to understand more deeply, and personally you have increased resources to emotionally problem solve, self-regulate, and tolerate frustrating difficulties that may arise. A kind of internal reorganization emerges and generates self-correcting growth.

I believe that empirical research is valuable for practice but equally that practice is also vitally necessary for grounding science and clinical research in everyday clinical observation and the therapeutic work.

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Email: hi@andreaconefarran.com.au

Copyright © Andrea Cone-Farran. All rights reserved Email: hi@AndreaConeFarran.com.au